Types of Flours Commonly Used In Bakery

The choice of flour is a crucial element in the art of baking, as it significantly impacts the texture, flavour and overall quality of baked goods. This journal will help you to understand on choosing the right type of flour for each type of baked delicacies you made.

We as a baker used various types of flour in our everyday life. These are few types of flour that usually used in baked delicacies such as cake, cookies, dessert etc.:


Type of Flour


Baked Delicacies

All Purpose Flour

lused as a general purpose flour

lcommonly found in retail market

lformulated to be slightly weaker than bread flour

lprotein content about 10-11.5%






ØMalaysia delicacies

Bread Flour

lenough good quality gluten

lideal for yeast breads

lprotein content from 11-13.5%




ØSourdough bread

Cake Flour/Low Gluten Flour

lsoft and smooth texture

lused in baked goods require low gluten




Self Raising Flour

lwhite colour flour which baking powder and salt added



High Gluten Flour

lhigh protein content

lcommonly used in hard-crusted bread

lprotein content about 14%




Corn Flour/Corn Starch

lused primarily as thickener in pudding, filling and sauces

lhas special property that makes it valuable for certain purposes

lproduct thicken with cornstarch set up almost like gelatine when cooled

lthicken cream and product that must hold their shape


ØPastry cream



Rice Flour

lsmooth white flour milled from white rice

lhas small amount of protein but no gluten

ØGluten free product

ØMalaysia delicacies

ØFried batter

Glutinous Rice Flour

ldoes not contain any gluten

ltypically used to create chewy product


ØMalaysia delicacies


Here are some do’s and don’ts for handling flour:

Do’s :

ü Store properly - keep in an airtight container in a cool, dry place

ü Measure accurately - use digital scale for precise measurements

ü Sift - sift flour to break any lumps, and separate any impurities . Also helps make it lighter and airier

ü Use fresh flour - check expiration date

ü Label - Label each flour type or name to ensure correct type of flour used based on the recipe


Don’ts :

² Don’t store near strong odors - flour easily absorb odors, keep it away from strong smelling foods

² Don’t skip sifting - any impurities from flour might get into the product

² Don’t use wet utensils - keep utensils and hands dry to avoid clumping


Each type of flour offers unique characteristics and is suited for specific recipe. Experimenting with different type of flour can help enhance your baking skills and allow for creative exploration in the kitchen. May we can continue to explore, experiment, and savour the joys of working with this fundamental ingredients to create more masterpiece in bakery world.


Chef Hada