Blooming of gelatine is a crucial step to learn and understand if you want to achieve consistency in your product without fail.
Some recipe will ask you to bloom gelatine sheet with any amount of water and rinse off excess water when the gelatin sheet is soften. But how can you ensure the amount of water absorbed by the gelatine sheet each time when you bloom? And how much excess water you have rinsed off? If you practice this, you will get different quality of gelatine every time with different outcome, texture and mouthfeel of your product. This is a big NO for those in business.
How to bloom gelatine sheet correctly?
Recipe: Bloom Gelatine
Recipe Code: F0004
Photo: Oven & Chalice Gelatine Sheet.
Item No | Ingredients | Unit | 1 Portion |
1 | Gelatine Sheet, Gold Grade, 200 Bloom | gram | 5 |
2 | Water, cold/ room temperature | gram | 30 |
For any recipe, as long as the recipe is referring to 'Gelatine', it's referring to dry gelatine before blooming with water. If the recipe mention 5grams, weight the gelatine sheet at 5grams then proceed to the blooming process below.
If any online recipe mention 1 sheet of gelatin, without giving the information of gelatine's bloom grade and weight of 1 sheet of gelatine. this recipe is less informative and more likely to attempt failure, you probably need to try a few times on the recipe to attain the desire result.
Oven & Chalice's gelatine sheet need to bloom with the exact amount of water to give the best result, thus even your own recipe mention use only certain amount of water to bloom the gelatin, you still can follow our steps below for the amount of water needed in order to get the best result of the gelatin function in your recipe.
Read this if you want to understand more on gelatin.
Step 1:
Weight your gelatine, gelatine:water ratio is 1:6, 1g of gelatine bloom with 6g of water, resulted (1g + 6g) 7g of gelatine mass.
Gelatine mass means gelatine + water.
If you use 1 sheet of Oven & Chalice gelatine sheet, it’s 5g of gelatine bloom with 30g of water, resulted 35g of gelatine mass.
Step 2:
Weight the water you need, fully soak the entire gelatine sheet in the water, all part of gelatine must cover with water, you can cut the gelatin sheet to smaller piece if there’s less amount of gelatin you are blooming.
When the gelatin soften, slightly separate each pieces of gelatin to make sure more surface for water absorption.
Step 3:
Make sure all water absorbed by gelatin sheet to maintain consistency.
Photo: Bulk preparation of gelatin mass, gelatin sheet after bloom.
Clip: All water fully absorbed by gelatin sheet.
Step 4:Melt gelatine mass before adding in the recipe every time to avoid undissolved particle.
[Method: Bain-Marie (double boil) or microwave].
Tips: Some recipe might ask you to add soften gelatine in the recipe directly, but sometime the handling method and the temperature of the semi-ingredients might not reaching the temperature point of melting the gelatine, thus resulted undissolved gelatin sheet at the end for the non-bake item, such as mousse cake, cheese cake and etc. To avoid this problem, pre-melt your gelatin before adding into any mixture.
Never thought of melting gelatine is a tough step, gelatin melt at body temperature around 38 Degree Celcius, melting can be easily done by just putting it on a bowl of hot water.
Photo: Bain-marie (double boil) method.
For complete process and full video, watch this:
Video: How to bloom gelatine sheet correctly.